Cancelling a pair of go routines

In a recent go-lang project, I created a set of go routines to run conurrently. It involves setting up a pair of reader and writer processes to run a named pipe.

My initial attempt involved using waitGroups to run the goroutines and channels with custom wait loops to cancel the go routines if one of them fails. e.g if the data fetching fails

However this approach was error prone.

I switched to using errGroup which provides synchronization, error propagation and context cancelation for groups of goroutines working as subtasks on a larger task.

This means we can use the context returned to cancel the goroutine and the Wait() synchronization function to wait for the subtasks to complete without using wait groups.

My implementation became:

g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())

pipeInput := &pipes.DownloadInput{}
pipeOutput := &pipes.DownloadOutput{File: file}

g.Go(func() error {
	c := pipes.NewPipeWithCancellation(pipeOutput)
	return c.Stream(ctx, pipe, bucket, key)

g.Go(func() error {
	c := pipes.NewPipeWithCancellation(pipeInput)
	return c.Stream(ctx, pipe, bucket, key)

if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
	fmt.Errorf("Error in download: %v\n", err)

errGroup.WithContext() returns an *errgroup.Group struct and a context which we can use to cancel the goroutines.

We invoke the functions to run in goroutines using g.Go. The first call that returns a non-nil error cancels the group’s context, which is exactly the pattern we want here.

The Stream function is implemented as so:

func (c *PipeWithCancellation) Stream(ctx context.Context, pipe string, bucket string, key string) error {
	errChan := make(chan error)

	go func() {
		err := c.pipe.Stream(ctx, pipe, bucket, key)
		errChan <- err
	defer close(errChan)

	for {
		select {
		case err2 := <-errChan:
			return err2
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

We run the function in a separate goroutine which returns an error if it exists and puts it onto the errChan channel.

The second for loop is blocked on waiting for any errors messages from the error channel or a signal on context.Done().

Given two concurrent goroutines, if the first goroutine returns an error, it cancels the group’s context. This sends a signal to the context Done channel. The second goroutine will pick up the signal in its select block case of <-ctx.Done(), returning the error and stopping execution.

IMO, this is a more sustainable way of managing concurrent goroutines which are subtasks of a bigger task.

The AWS S3 Pipes project is available for perusal.